Essentials About Python def Keyword
Essentials About Python def Keyword INTRODUCTION For all those code newbies who find it hard to digest the usage and where withals of the term def that appears a lot of time while coding in Python, here is a great news! I am going to explain not only what is the def that is used so frequently in all of the Python projects, but also, it's usage, why it is used and how it is used in detailed steps. WHAT IS def The def keyword is used for describing or defining a Python function in which we need to implement certain specified tasks. We require various tasks to be done inside a function, such as calculating the sume of numbers, carrying out subtraction of numbers, finding the average of numbers, finding Grades based on score , etc. I will be outlining below, the various tasks that could be performed inside the def function and I will be also guiding you on each of them step-by-step citing examples along the way. WRITE THE STRUCTURE OF A def Function def function_name(param...
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